Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A trip to Zoo Negara

How long has it been since your last trip to a zoo? What do you think about zoos? I remember when I was younger, zoo seem to be a place that was fun to visit.. But as I grew older, less and less people seem to wanna go visit the zoo.. Even I myself thought zoo as a place where its hot, smelly and boring.. But one day, I decided, after so many years of not visiting the zoo, why not go back there and relive my childhood memory? Also, zoo is actually a good place for photography.. With that, I took my good old camera.. And went photographing..

These are just some of the photos I took at the zoo..

 Look at the potential leather!!! Opss... =P

Ostrich doing a stare down with me..

 Giraffe having a drink..

Lazy lion sleeping in the hot sunny afternoon..

Now this is a sleeping flying fox.. And my mum made the best comment ever..
She asked me, "how come the flying fox has a cross??" o.O

 Pretty pretty frangipanies.. <3 <3

 Mr Camel, "Hello there you young lady. What's up?"

 Butterflies!!!! =)

Tiger so the cocky, dun even wanna look at the camera.. But then again, if it were staring at me, it probably means I look like lunch.. =S

Saw the National Geography Magazine some time back taking a picture of the eye of an elephant and it took my breath away.. So I tried to imitate.. Which, I obviously failed.. But that's the best I can do.. Give face a bit ok?

And 1 last picture before I end this post.. Fella just came out from a mud bath I think? Wonder how good it felt?? =P

Thursday, 22 November 2012

#NNShutterbugs14Days #FoodPorn challenge

Ok, so I just realised I did something extremely stupid today.. I have been seeing Nuffnang Malaysia Facebook repeatedly post competition results for their event #NNShutterbugs14Days for quite awhile now and decided that I might try it if I was free. So happened, today I was! And even more coincidentally, the topic was on #FoodPorn and I thought, "oh my, easy.. I got so many food pictures I can easily make a kollage.. And so I started off my work..

Anyway, after a whole afternoon, I came up with this:

And then, being proud of myself, I happily submitted it.. And like all normal human out there, I went browsing other people's uploads for the #NNShutterbugs14Days #FoodPorn challenge and I realised that, everyone only uploaded 1 food picture.. Why the hell did I upload a kollage? Well, because I thought we were supposed to! I saw Nuffnang posted all the kollage so I thought you were suppose to make a kollage but oh my God, you weren't.. You just had to upload 1 picture and Nuffnang compiles these pictures into a kollage, putting the winner picture as the biggest picture right in the middle.. OMG WTF FML!!!!

I think I wasted 1 whole afternoon doing this.. T___________________T

So I decided to just leave my tweet alone.. If I was disqualified, then disqualified lar.. If I don't win then don't win lar.. I decided to also post it on my blog to show whoever that reads my blog what a phail person I am and also at the same time to show people my good kollage skills!! And also, more importantly, I want to show off that I edited the picture above using ONLY PHOTOSHOP TOUCH with my GALAXY NOTE 10.1!!!!! 

Ok there, I hope my whole afternoon was worth this post.. going to go drown myself in self pity now.. bai!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Gorgeouslism Deepavali Sales!

Hello folks, I know I have went off the grid for quite awhile now and I blame the new job requirements. I don't work long hours, mind you, but preparing for that seemingly 2 hours or 3 hours of job requires a lot more time and effort than you would think possible. Even so, I promise to be updating more frequently as I am currently having a break till the end of next week. So heads up! More spamming from me! =P

Ok, I'm drifting off from my topic. Today I am going to post about an online accessories store that I started up a few months back. We currently have hit 109 likes *clap clap* and we are, as according to my title, having a Deepavali Sales! Please do click on the picture below to divert you to our facebook page and see if there's any accessories at all that you'd like to buy! And do like us on Facebook to enjoy great savings and receive updates from us. Thank you!

Remember to  !!!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Octoberfest 2012

Octoberfest, did you go?

Photo credits to Shiro

Super short post to show I am alive and healthy.. Well, perhaps not so much after that big cup of beer!!! >.<

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Difference between Lecturing and Being Lectured

So I have been asked recently on how I am doing with the part time lecturing I took up. For those of you who don't know, yes, I took up part time lecturing. I was given the opportunity and thought I'd might as well give it a try since I was thinking of being a lecturer as a career.

Oh well, back to my topic, while I was a student, one of the longest presentation that I have done lasted me for 20 minutes. And yes, you guessed it, it was my final year project presentation, and after that, my Masters dissertation presentation. All these while, I have always worked hard on squeezing every little information that I deemed important in a period of 20 minutes. In fact, I believe that I am so good at it that I have almost no trouble at all in always finishing my presentations in any amount of time given to me. That is, until I started lecturing.

My lecturing classes usually last about 2 hours. The terrible thing is, I realised I cannot go on and on about the same thing for 2 hours. You might say just continue with the next topic instead of dwelling on the same topic right? Well, there is this other problem. Our lectures are scheduled, I am suppose to follow the timetable for each session or otherwise I would end up not being able to finish the syllabus in time or end up finishing the syllabus too early. The good thing is, as a student, I'd love if the lecturer could teach fast enough, give more time for study week before the final and at the same time teach effectively. The problem with me is, I am not sure if I am teaching effectively fast or am I just teaching too fast!!

So what I deem to understand about the difference between lecturing and being lectured is:
When lecturing, you try your best to present the least information in the longest time possible whilst as the one being lectured, you try your best to squeeze every little thing you want to say in the required time during an assignment presentation.

A big flip towards the goals huh? @.@

Monday, 3 September 2012

Just for laugh

hello peeps,

how have the long weekend been?

Recently there's been loads of long weekends and as an effect, I have became extremely lazy to even move a muscle..

Speaking of which, I recently went bowling, after like God knows how many years of not bowling..

Photo credited to Ryan (some random bowling picture I took from Google.. I mean what's the use of Google if not this right? right right???)

So as I was saying, I went bowling and I ended up hurting muscles I didn't know would get hurt by bowling! I mean, bowling is just a hand thing right? NOT! the next day, my glut muscles hurt, my upper tigh muscles hurt and my back muscles hurt!! I mean what did I do to make those muscles ache?!

On another note, I recently saw this extremely confusing Facebook status print screened by someone:

I got so confused!! What's with Poptarz? What is this person trying to say? Like it if I cry every time? What is this??

And then, I asked the bf to have a look at the picture and he sent me a YouTube link.. And all this became clear..

Started laughing as soon as I heard the voice of the video clip.. LOL

Hope you guys enjoy.. xoxo

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Popular Book Fest 2012 @ KLCC Convention Centre

Had a chance to visit the Book Fest?

I went there a couple of days ago and got myself some books for light reading..

The prices were unbelievably cheap that I couldn't resist just grabbing and purchasing what ever preview of the book I liked.. So why 3 books only, some of you may ask.. Well, because I am frugal.. LMAO..

Currently reading Last Night at Chateau Marmont, written by Lauren Weisbergler, the writer of Devil Wears Prada.. I read Angels and Demons before, just buying it because it was TOO DAMN cheap! RM 9.90 only you know!!! *faints*

So what did you all get? =D

Friday, 24 August 2012

My Raya and Food Spree

Watch out! I'm on a food spree blog post! =D

Well, not really..

Shall I start out with my Raya holidays first?

Me family and I went on a Raya holiday to Cameron Highlands.. Woke up wee early, packed our stuff, and started our journey there.. However, daddy was a joy kill.. Halfway there, he refused to let us stay at Cameron and said its better to play till late at night at go back.. wtf

First picture, a pretty hibiscus we saw before having lunch..

And then.. emo started.. the rain.. rain awhile.. stop.. rain awhile.. stop.. wtf.. we couldn't go anywhere! Not the beautiful tea plantation, not the bee farm, not the vegetable farms, not the strawberry farms.. you get it right??  And then to make things worst, it was freaking jam!! It was like the whole Malaysia citizens went up to Cameron!!

So dad got pissed off, and said we are going back.. T___________________T

I didn't even have chance to take more pictures!

On the way out of  Tanah Rata, we passed by a durian seller at the roadside and although it was raining, daddy thought it was ok to stop down and have durian! you see!! his love for durian I tell u is level 100.. omg.. fml..

So, I took the opportunity to snap a last picture of Cameron.. T_______________T

Now, the Raya holiday is done, lets move on to the food spree!!! =D

Ever tried this? I previously blogged about this, Moo Cow, the most milky and heavenly yogurt I have ever eaten!!!! #drools 

At a place called Hiyaki.. Sells awesome Nasi Kukus Ayam with an Ice Lemon Tea for only RM6.90..

This is Nasi Beriani though.. tempting isn't it? Sorry I forgot the price though.. =______=

Give it a try.. There's one around Setapak and another one at Uptown.. =D

And then I got so in the mood of photo taking, I took photo of this simple cup of Kopi O..

And yes, also the saucer.. >.<

And then I finally tried the pork at Betty's Midwest Kitchen.. They serve a variety of porky porky.. And omg.. It is so juicy and tender, its like all the pork chop I ate before this were not pork chop!! U get what I mean???

 This one is Baby back ribs (RM32.50).. I tell you.. Please try this!

This is Grilled Beer Braised Boston Butt (RM27.50).. This one also!! Ok, just go ahead and order everything okay?!

And then I went to Tong Pak Fu and tried this..
Pink Guava Snow Ice (Regular, RM8.80)

And last but not least, new dessert from Snowflakes!!

Ocha'Ryo (RM7.90).. The green tea taste is.. awesome.. Go try! =D

Ok, food photo spree ends.. kthxbai

Friday, 10 August 2012

Random photos I took

Was browsing through my phone gallery and noticed a few pictures that I never managed to blog so here it is..

Received a voucher for a buy 1 get 1 free Starbucks and decided to treat the bf with it.. However, the bf was too busy working and could not make it.. what to do? people making a living, I sitting at home rotting.. So a friend of mine suggested I drink both myself.. Ok lor.. Challenge accepted!

This is my green tea frap..Before this I drank dark mocha.. Guess what? Could not sleep that night.. fml..

Was just standing waiting for my ride when I saw this water hydrant thingy and decided it was a good "feel" picture model and decided to snap a picture of it.. what do you think?
Can you guess where is this? =D

When in doubt or when you cannot make a decision, they say pray to God.. I did, and as I finished, I happened to see these beautiful flower and randomly took a photo of it..
Nice eh?

I was all beh tahan when the bf was so in love with memes until I saw Audrey & Timothy's wedding proposal.. And I thought I have seen the full potential of meme.. But I was wrong!!!
Me'me has now gone on to invade the scientific world, making its presence in a Science conference! =.="

Was caught in a jam one day due to a road block.. For 2 hours just to move like 5km!! Best part is, when I reached the road block zone, police already packed up and left!! Really Malaysia boleh.. >.<

This guy could not tahan the jam.. And what Malaysians do when we are bored? We climb out of our four wheel drive and snap pictures!! =D

And last but not least, I managed to capture a picture of a sleeping duck at the lakeside of Taylor's after visiting an ex lecturer..

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Decision part 2



Sunday, 5 August 2012


Feeling very lost now.. Not sure what to do. I've been given 3 choices to choose from, to walk my future path. I really don't know the best option, or what I'd excel well in. I wish I knew what to do. People say that, deep down in your heart, you know the answer, you know what you want. But I don't! Am I weird? I see these options, each representing their potential, their risks and their consequences. Each presenting a different way of life that I might lead and yet, I don't know which to choose! It feels like I'm deciding my whole life and its damn hard to pick which is the right thing to do! People told me that, there is not right or wrong decision and that I just have to make it and live with it. But the consequences are so large that I am so afraid of just going ahead and making the decision! Every stage of life, we face something different. We gain experience from the outcome of it. But this time, I am so afraid of facing the consequences because it is something I have to deal with my whole life!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Meeples @ Subang Jaya

This is the second time I went to Meeples. For those of you who don't knowm Meeples is a board game concept cafe. There's a wide variety of board games available in this place with a very comfy area to have fun with board games.

We started off with a warm up game called the Geistes Blitz, sort of like a game of Snaps or Heart attack except with cute little figurines to make things more complicated and more mind stimulating.. =D

After 2 rounds of that, we were ready for a more strategy type of game. But before that, the Meeples staff surprised us with a complementary drink each! They are currently having a promotion where each person gets ONE free drink when you sit down and play their board games..

The list of drinks of choice was so interesting, we didn't know which to choose.. In the end, each of us ordered the following drinks..

This is Nutella Latte, the recommended drink they had.. Well, most of us ordered this.. Nice eh?

This is Hot chocolate some more with a bunny.. ML couldn't bare to drink away her bunny and was scooping her drink from left and right, avoiding it.. lol..

This here is Toffee latte with a butterfly decoration.. Eva also couldn't bare drinking her butterfly so her bf, before she could do anything took a spoon and stirred the butterfly away!!! fml..

While drinking, we decided on a came called Carcassonne.. This is a game where you build a map out of tiles and you are given tiny little meeples to place on them, sort of like conquering the land.. haha..

 We got carried away taking pictures and decided to start pilling them up.. haha..

And this is the 3 story one credited to the bf..

Initially the land started out small, with each of us (different colours to represent each of us).. 
The meeple standing on the street is a theif, the meeple standing on the city are knights, meeple standing on the monastery is a monk and the meeple lying on the ground is a farmer.. Interesting huh?

And this is what our map looked like at the end of the game..

Quite a fond experience I would say..

Meeples Details
Address : 64-1, Jalan SS15/4D, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Phone: 03-5633 8033
Price: RM5/hour for non-members
         RM3.50/hour for members

    Opening Hours

  • Mon Closed
  • Tue 11:00am - 1:00am
  • Wed 11:00am - 1:00am
  • Thu 11:00am - 1:00am
  • Fri 11:00am - 1:00am
  • Sat 11:00am - 1:00am
  • Sun 11:00am - 1:00am
Opened on public holidays and school holidays.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

A small token of accomplishment.. ^^

Attended a conference recently and participated in a poster presentation competition where I presented part of my Master work. 

People who took the time to view my poster actually acknowledged my work and said I've don quite a bit of work! Those words were so comforting! It was like, I did not waste the 1.5 years I spent slaving away for my Masters certificate!

And the sweetest moment was when I heard my name called out for obtaining the best poster award!!!

At that moment, every pain and struggle I went through all seem to have been worth it! Ok, I know I sound like a fool, but seriously, sometimes, all it takes is a little credit and a little encouragement to make one's sacrifice worthwhile and to give one a little more hope in accomplishing what they started out doing.. =)

Have you recently accomplished anything? ^^

Monday, 16 July 2012

Just when you thought things won't get any worst..

The begining started out so mild I didn't even think it was a hint for the upcoming suprise. In the morning, I couldn't fit everything into my leather sling bag and yet I insisted. I squeezed as much as I could and then I carried the rest in my arm.

Then breakfast time came, I sat at the coffee shop and ordered myself roti bakar (toasted bread), milk tea and two half boiled eggs. But what I got was more like three quater raw boiled eggs, sold out roti bakar and forgotten milk tea. I had to asked again, to get my milk tea.

And then at the uni, I was informed that I had to rebind my thesis. For those who has ever binded theses, I am sure you know how painful the cost is. And I thought that was my biggest obstacle. How wrong could I have possible thought.

In the afternoon, I left the uni to get back early to teach tuition as I knew I had no transport today and had to take a cab there. As soon as I reached the train station, a downpour broke out. Just my luck! I thought, wow, things can't get any worst huh? Never mind, just take a taxi, and I'll get there safely. A little wet won't kill me. I am strong enough for that.

So in I stepped into a taxi, thanking God that, some things in life can be solved using money.

And then I reached my student's place, I asked the taxi driver to honk while I prepared the money to pay him. Interestingly, no one opened the door. And still, I was so dumb to think that someone might be home, and that they just didn't hear the hon.

I thanked the taxi driver, got down the taxi and ran to press the door bell. And to my amazement, the place where there was suppose to be a door bell, was a hole instead! I shouted my student's name and tried my best to stay composed. But no one came to open the door. And immediately, realisation dawn onto me. I knew that either no one was home or they were God knows doing what. Still, I remained positive, I tried to find the little shade I could possibly get from a palm tree, and gingerly took out my handphone and dialed my student parent's number.

The great news was, they answered the phone. The bad news was, they were out. I continued standing under the massive downpour and waited, praying that my student's family would reach home faster, praying that I will manage in this heavy rain and praying that my phone or my leather bag will not spoil.

After 10 mins, they reached. I felt so messed up and yet I plastered a smile on my face and tried my best to stay composed. My student was kind enough to give me a towel, but insisted that she kept the air-cond on! Not only that, she kept telling me that the towel she let me use was her dog's towel!!! FML!!! On and on, I had to endure the sharp cold wetness that I did not manage to wipe off, I had to bare the bully my students gave me, and I had to keep myself composed! I felt so tired, I felt like giving up. I want to go home, I want to rest, I just don't want to do all these anymore!!

After what seemed like forever, the 3 hours tuition ended, and to my expectation on Malaysia highway system, I had the luxury of sitting in the jam for the rest of the journey home.

I really just want a break. I don't want to have to keep rushing, keep pushing, keep acting like everything is ok. I really want things to REALLY BE OK..Whatever I did to deserve this, I hope I paid back enough..

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Wrong call at the wrong time! @.@

Me: *calls unknown number* Hello, Someone called my mobile number just now? where is this?
Unknown Number: This is TM Unifi.. Actually miss, we are calling to inform that your area already has unifi facilities..
Me: Ya, I know I have it already..
*Rain starts pouring outside.. and my cloths ares till hanging outside!!*
Me: Ok, I got something to do.. got to go.. bye!
Unifi dude: Miss, wait ar.. so since you already have unifi, you can tell your friends to call this number if they wanna get unifi....
Me: Ok, I got to go.. bye! 
*hangs up*

FML! so important for me to tell my friends to contact this number in case they wanna get unifi when my clothes are outside in the sudden downpour?!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Harry Potter Glass Harp Musical Theme Song

So I've heard lots of Christians that are anti-Harry Potter.. Saying that Harry Potter is satanic and all the sort.. But to me, Harry Potter is a wonderful fiction novel for kids.. I love the book and the story!

Why would you think Harry Potter is satanic? Because it consist of magic? If that's the case, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella... They all ARE satanic!!

Anyway, enough of the argument..I would like to present to you this wonderful piece of glass harp musical of Harry Potter's theme song.. Enjoy.. =D

Friday, 15 June 2012

A picture from a different angle

Have been seeing this picture posted on facebook rather frequently recently.. Amazing picture isn't it? The idea of viewing things from a different angle..yet today, this thought came into my mind when I saw this picture..

"Which is a tougher post? They guy acting like his hanging on a cliff with a tight expression or the guy acting like his looking down a cliff with a non-comical expression?"

Monday, 11 June 2012

Sushi Zanmai @ One Utama

Hello peeps, how have you been? Just got back from my trip to Singapore.. Feeling so refreshed now, except for my overused leg muscles! =.=

Anyway, here's another food post again.. And as the title says, I'll be writing about Sushi today! So my first question is, which is your favorite sushi place? So far I have tried Sushi King, Sakae Sushi, Sushi Zanmai, Shogun, Tenji 2, Maiu and etc..

One of my most favorite so far is Sushi Zanmai..

The price of their main dishes are rather reasonable.. Say for example,

Both the Chicken Karaage Don (on the left) and Tendon (on the right) cost RM8.80 (small) and RM15.80 (large). 
One thing about the portion though, small is really enough unless you are a extreme big eater.. =)

Then they have this belt the runs sushi around their restaurant for us to pick and choose..

If you somehow think that those on the belt are not freshly prepared, or if you think that you'd prefer some of the sushi in the menu that are not available at the belt, you can always make an order.. And that's what we did..

From the left, Salmon Peach RM 3.80, Tai RM 4.80 and Ajitsuke Shiitake RM1.80.. Didn't think the Tai had a much different taste then normal Salmon.. But then its probably because I tried the sushi instead of the thick slab of flesh, sashimi! ugh.. talking about sashimi.. I sure miss that.. XD

Close up picture of peach salmon

Sauce for the sushi! Oh btw, something which is utterly non-important, you know previously they liked placing wasabi on the belt and you have to get it from the belt, take the amount you want and then put it back onto the belt for other people to eat? Well, the last time I went to Sushi Zanmai, there was wasabi on our desk and was no longer seen on the belt! Not that its important, just so you know.. =P

We also ordered this Salmon to Avocado Roll RM12.80.. This tasted heavenly! Didn't think avocado would go so well as a topping for rolls! Be sure to try it!

Overall, a me gusta meal.. hehe..