One day before Hari Raya Haji, and guess what the office place look like?? You're right.. Everyone is on holiday, the office is practically 3/4 empty!! Which also means its a great thing cause we get to actually feel less stress at work for once.. haha..
Anyway, it was also Adam's and Steven's last day as industrial trainee here at SDTC, so we had a little photo session.. Before I introduce to you guys who are Steven and Adam, first let me introduce this guy standing next to me at the picture below..

Now a few pictures with some captions just for laugthers..

Now, thats better.. good job boys! XD

Well, ok.. to be honest, I just wanted to let you guys see me wearing skirt for once.. haha
The cute girl behind? She is Shern Shern.. Better known as Kim.. Wondering how her chinese name is written? Well, its 林森森!interesting name isn't it? ^^

I wonder what's that thing that cought Steven's attention.. hmmm..
Looks pretty much like a picture of a husband and wife to me.. Guess which is the guy and which is the girl?
KC staring in horror as Steven molest him!!! omg!!

Adam and David acting cool? Steven and Hong Leong a little too much of gayish here..And KC, act cool?? haha

All pointing guns at me.. haha

Haha.. thats it.. Steven and Adam, all the best in your future undertakings!! Have a great future!! ^^