Saturday, 7 November 2009

Food I've Eaten Recently...

At Sushi King
Fried Tempura Set

At Keeny Rogers Rosters

Quater Chicken with all my favourite side dishes..

I specifically took a photo of the ceiling because I found the design quite nice..

At Spaghetti ("A place where someone told me was the sister of Chilis.. I wonder how are these 2 shops related..)

Fishi and chips Mushroom and Chicken Cream Soup (Yum Yum..)

At Mutiara Tesco
Jasmine Green Tea

At Pasta Zenmai

Scallop Pizza.. One of the best pizza I've ever eaten.. Juicy Scallop on top of a crispy crust topped with extremely tasty sauce.. OMG.. I want another go at this.. haha