Friday, 21 August 2009


I've been thinking about blogging.. Well not exactly about me going to write a post..But more likely about what the hell is blogging all about? U see many different blogs are available in the net.. You see some that tells about their daily life, you see some that talks about all sorts of girly products, some that shows really artistic pictures and some that criticize every damn thing they see..

Some people blog because they enjoy it, some blog because of the money they can earn while some, some just follow the trend and start blogging.. As for me, I've got no particular reason to blog and have no particular style of blogging.. I love to share my thoughts and yet my blog somehow or rather not, became a "daily life sharing blog"..

Why did that happen? Well, I guess I can give you a few reasons.. Or probably a few excuses.. Whichever you prefer.. First of all, blogging requires nice pretty photos to capture.. and where to get them? From my daily life of course.. But then again, we see bloggers who blogs a whole long story without a single picture and yet they get hell lot of readers!! Makes me wonder, probably the way I write sucks? LOL..

Second reason, people often wonder is it save to blog? Will meany bad guys come catch me if I expose my location? Moreover, blogging about your life, is it well, too exposing? Lack of privacy? Too many thoughts and concern sometimes drive me to post things that are severely simple.. Something you can see in your everyday life.. I guess that might make some stuff I post up boring huh?

Third reason, I guess, I am one of those that follows the trend? To see so many people blog about their daily lifes itches me to do the same.. Haha.. Its not me though.. Which brings me to this question.. What am I? What do I really want to share when I'm blogging?

Oh gosh, here I am.. Doing this again.. I think too much don't I?


  1. think too much larh u~ hahahaha...

    i blog simply in the future i can laugh back at my old self :p

  2. haha.. everyone has different reasons.. XD
