Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Importance of a Handphone

Last weekend, I smartly left my handphone in hun wei's car and headed home.. So I ended up phone-less for the whole weekend.. And you know what?? It sucks.. haha.. It seriously sucks.. I suddenly realise how dependent people are towards handphone nowadays..

Want me to show you how dependent we are?

When you want to know the time, what do you look at?

When you want to make a note about something, where do you write/type your note?

When you want to set an alarm for tomorrow morning, what do you look for?

When you are bored and sitting at the bus stop, or waiting for your girlfriend to finish shopping, or anywhere else for that matter, what do you do?

When you see something interesting, and feel like taking a photo of it, where does your hand automatically go to?

And finally, when you want to contact someone, what do you use??

Gosh, I'm never forgetting my precious k550i phone again.. EVER!! =p