As promised, an update on the 2 weeks of my centralized training.. ^^
For the past 2 weeks, I have traveled to and fro between Carey Island and Banting.. The journey took approximately 5o minutes per trip!! So every morning, we had to leave at 7am just to reach Banting at 8am.. Just imagine what time we have to get out of bed!!

A few pictures of the academy at Carey Island, where we stayed for the past 2 weeks.. From left, the hostel area, the canteen area and the balcony view.. hehe
Some of the pictures I took while we were at the lab..

This is a picture of us inside a "I forgot what" machine that helps so called "sterilize" us before entering the lab area.. From left, me, ming2 and airin..

Upon entering, mask and funny caps are worn to prevent contamination of the delicate plant cultures withing the lab.. From left, may lee, hun wei, me, ming2, benny, wani and fiza..

This is a similiar lab but at a different location, also owned by Sime Darby.. Here the caps are kinda different..haha.. More stylish I guess.. LOL From left, Wani, May Lee and me.
I'm not posting much photos of the things I've done during the Centralized Training because I am not sure what am I allowed or not allowed to talk about to everyone.. Sorry guys..
Anyway, on the last day, we went crazy taking pictures around Carey Island.. And I would love to share with you guys some of the more interesting photos.. ^^

Us posing as proud Sime Darby-ians.. haha.. with Benny on the right having his always extraordinary looks..

From left, me, Benny and Jun Yi (his statement of the year -> "Don't be scared" said with style.. LOL)

Trying to act cool, with a wonderful scenery.. haha..

One of the jumping photos we took.. I was the photographer this time.. So I didnt get into this wonderful picture.. *cries*

A picture of us acting crazy outside Hector's Castle.. One of the nicest building we found on Carey Island.. hehe

This is Benny acting cool.. With MY sun glasses..

This is Hun Wei's turn to act cool.. We think this photo can make it to the advertisment for either Perodua or Sime Darby.. Ngek Ngek..

And one last picture.. A more sane picture.. From left, Jun Yi, me, May Lee, Benny and Hun Wei!!
These people practically teman me throughout the centralized training from Carey Island to Banting and even to Lukut!! haha.. I've never mentioned about Lukut right?? Well, there's another research lab located at Lukut, Negeri Sembilan.. Seems like Sime Darby is located everywhere in Malaysia right?? A great big gigantic company it is.. haha..
Took me quite awhile to edit the pictures.. I hope you all enjoy this post although I can't share much experience on my job.. hehe