Throughout these years, I have met many people in my life.. Of them, some became good friends of mine, some remained a friend, some just an aquintance and some became somewhat like an enemy..
I somehow have a theory on this.. It works like The Sims/ The Sims 2.. U know like when a sim character hates your sim character a lot..
After a long time of not coming in contact with that particular sim, the negative red bar decreases.. It would not of course reach to a desirable level, but at least, the tension between the 2 parties decreases and if you control your sim to be nice to that particular sim then there is a chance that both of them can become friends again..

Sadly, however, I realised that this theory goes hand in hand with the relationship of your good friend.. I have known quite a few friends that I told my secrets to and pour out my heart's content to.. But througout the years, after we all started to have our own lifes, our own path to follow.. After we became geographically separated, after time passed without us hearing from each other.. The bond we had was loosen, the friendship I once knew, seemed to have lost itself in space and time..
Can I change this? Do I still have the ability to bring the ones close to my heart back to me? Can we still be as old times? Sharing each others thoughts, wanting to hang out with each other and comforting each other?
I miss you, my dear old friend..I wish that we can still be that close.. But how? I don't know how..
the only thing that is possible is to keep in contact with them again..
ReplyDeleteI guess so.. but both parties have to want it to work to keep the friendship alive..