He is going Johor already.. Going going going already!!! nooo!!! I always pushed this thought behind my mind, not daring to face it, not daring to believe it.. until.. today.. T.T reality sometimes strike people hard. Honestly, I don't know how to face the near future. He won't be here, somewhere near me. To think that, I'll be taking LRT back alone from now on, to think that, he won't be there with me during PC fairs or getting to meet each other at the odd of time to catch a movie, a dinner perhaps, or just to be together. What am I going to do? IF I ever want to see him, I cannot just schedule a time to meet up but have to wait till his semester break or even my own semester break.. T.T
The road ahead is not an easy one. And as if this distance isn't enough, I actually got to talk to someone the other day and she mentioned about her past relationship to me. About the reason to her other half's change of heart and although i trust him with all my heart, I'm still worried. I know that some things in life just aren't predictable. And yet, the only thing to keep me strong, to keep me hanging on is the faith I have in our relationship and it is this faith, that I will keep holding on to.
That night, we had dinner at Shakey's. Took a few pictures.

Him busy looking at the menu trying to find something to eat..

Him, finally paying my camera an attention...

and finally, my turn for a picture!!! XD
I tried my very best to eat slowly, wishing time would stop. Funny thing is though, towards the end, I kinda had to rush because his mother was caling him to go home. XD
To Liang, do take care of yourself, study hard and remember to come back here ya?? XD
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