At approximately 10.30pm, me and Brinda went temaning Lay Koon for dinner. As we walked out of the house, I got this brief scent of Chau Tao Fu (Smelly Tou Fu) and the words, "Eh, I think got Chao Tao Fu la" just came out of my mouth. As soon as these words left my mouth, Brinda immediately said, "why Ting Wei, why??" And Lay Koon went, "you sure ar? Can we go see see?? I want eat!! I long time didn't eat already u know?" And so we went. To my gratest surprise and to Brinda's greatest disappointment, the uncle was really there selling Chau Tao FU!!! lol!!!
You should see the look on Lay Koon's face, it was like Christmas had came early. lol.. And at the direct opposite, u should look at Brinda's face.. lol.. and then Brinda made this comment, "Ting Wei ar, sometimes your nose is really.. "

Smelly Tou fu!!! Eeeeewwwww!!!! >.<
Omg, I'm telling you, for what is worth, I really never thought my nose was that sensitive!! I really thought it was just my imagination!! lol.. This is really something I find highly amusing!! lol.. From now on, I should love my nose more.. lol.. *Muacks nose* haha.. This incident made my
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