Sunday, 23 September 2012

Difference between Lecturing and Being Lectured

So I have been asked recently on how I am doing with the part time lecturing I took up. For those of you who don't know, yes, I took up part time lecturing. I was given the opportunity and thought I'd might as well give it a try since I was thinking of being a lecturer as a career.

Oh well, back to my topic, while I was a student, one of the longest presentation that I have done lasted me for 20 minutes. And yes, you guessed it, it was my final year project presentation, and after that, my Masters dissertation presentation. All these while, I have always worked hard on squeezing every little information that I deemed important in a period of 20 minutes. In fact, I believe that I am so good at it that I have almost no trouble at all in always finishing my presentations in any amount of time given to me. That is, until I started lecturing.

My lecturing classes usually last about 2 hours. The terrible thing is, I realised I cannot go on and on about the same thing for 2 hours. You might say just continue with the next topic instead of dwelling on the same topic right? Well, there is this other problem. Our lectures are scheduled, I am suppose to follow the timetable for each session or otherwise I would end up not being able to finish the syllabus in time or end up finishing the syllabus too early. The good thing is, as a student, I'd love if the lecturer could teach fast enough, give more time for study week before the final and at the same time teach effectively. The problem with me is, I am not sure if I am teaching effectively fast or am I just teaching too fast!!

So what I deem to understand about the difference between lecturing and being lectured is:
When lecturing, you try your best to present the least information in the longest time possible whilst as the one being lectured, you try your best to squeeze every little thing you want to say in the required time during an assignment presentation.

A big flip towards the goals huh? @.@

Monday, 3 September 2012

Just for laugh

hello peeps,

how have the long weekend been?

Recently there's been loads of long weekends and as an effect, I have became extremely lazy to even move a muscle..

Speaking of which, I recently went bowling, after like God knows how many years of not bowling..

Photo credited to Ryan (some random bowling picture I took from Google.. I mean what's the use of Google if not this right? right right???)

So as I was saying, I went bowling and I ended up hurting muscles I didn't know would get hurt by bowling! I mean, bowling is just a hand thing right? NOT! the next day, my glut muscles hurt, my upper tigh muscles hurt and my back muscles hurt!! I mean what did I do to make those muscles ache?!

On another note, I recently saw this extremely confusing Facebook status print screened by someone:

I got so confused!! What's with Poptarz? What is this person trying to say? Like it if I cry every time? What is this??

And then, I asked the bf to have a look at the picture and he sent me a YouTube link.. And all this became clear..

Started laughing as soon as I heard the voice of the video clip.. LOL

Hope you guys enjoy.. xoxo