Monday, 9 January 2012

Nunffnang Premier Screening on Contraband

For those of you who don't already know, I am currently extremely stressed out with writing my dissertation and am suppose to have handed in by today.. And since you've notice me write "suppose" it means, well, I have not yet done so.. Anyway, I have banned myself from blogging for the time being until I hand in my first thesis draft...

Today however, I've decided to bend that rule and write a little post on Nuffnang Premier Screening on Contraband.. For those of you who follow Nuffnang's blog closely, you would have noticed that there was a little contest for Glitterati Nuffnangers to win themselves a pair of premier tickets to watch Contraband last year.. I read the synopsis of the movie and felt like I just had to watch it, and so, I joined the little contest..

Sadly though, on the contest-winner-announcement-date, I did not receive an email from Nuffnang.. I went back and looked at the blog post and the comments that people left there just to see how uncreative I was compared to the rest.. Well, the past is the past right? I just left things be after that and continued rushing for my thesis..

Then surprise surprise, I received a call from Nuffnang today saying that there was a slight technical error previously when they sent out the email announcing the winners and I was actually one of them who won, but did not receive an email!!! *heart soaring into the air* Yipeee!! I happily accepted the tickets and will be having the chance to watch Contraband this coming Wednesday!!! =D

For those of you who are curious on what I wrote to win the contest, here's it:
Nuffnang set a question and they'd picked the 40 most creative comments as winner..

Q. What you would do to save your family from being kidnapped by criminals?  
A. I would teach my family how to blend in with the crowd around them, and to detect the slightest hint of danger around them.. And I would teach them how to run/hide/slip away from danger if they detect them.. However, at times things can still go wrong right? I would make sure that if any member my family come face to face with kidnappers, they would know how to defend themselves with martial arts.. Also, I would create a device which will looks exactly like our normal wrist watch that when activated, will alert our other family members of the whereabouts of the one in danger so we could rescue him/her or at the very least, report to the nearest police to my endangered family member..


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  2. Congrats! I never win anything. Although once when I was 13 I won an autographed heart-shaped CD from N'Sync. Best day ever.
