Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Canton I

I finally decided to go eat something I can easily get off the coffee shops on any street at a rather pricey location - Duck Rice & Roasted Pork Rice @ Canton I

And, in my opinion, the duck rice was quite a disappointment.. Perhaps the meat was more properly cleaned and garnish, but the taste.. hmmm.. not the best I've tasted..

The roasted pork on the other hand was awesome.. Thick crispy roasted pork.. You know how some times you go into a coffee shop and order roasted pork and they give you this tiny cut roasted pork with its lack of texture and extremely oily? This is different.. The roasted pork was thickly cut, and it somehow tasted compact and juicy.. Flavour was not really there though.. But the saddest thing was the whole roasted pork only had FOUR slices of meat.. T___________________T

Oh, and that drink at the right side in the picture is called a Flower Tea. Looks beautiful doesn't it? I remember one of my friend told me it looked like an alien.. ROFL I noticed that the flower tea was also available at Dragon I and then I was suddenly enlightened. I realised that Canton I and Dragon I should be owned by the same mother company because of the flower tea and also the similarity in the name.. Ok, don't laugh any more.. I know I sound like and idiot.. but so what? =P

1 comment:

  1. I tried the porridge at Canton I not that nice. I prefer Room 18 porridge.
