Monday, 7 September 2009

Stressed to the Core!

I am seriously stressed to the max at the moment, atempting my level's best to improve my bloody GRE score.. How do I do that? I'll share with you people in a matter of moments.. But firstly, what is GRE?

The Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking and analytical writing skills. The GRE® Subject Tests gauge undergraduate achievement in 8 specific fields of study. Adapted from GRE® – Graduate Record Examinations®.

I am taking the general test, which requires me to do 4 sections as I mentioned above. I tried out a sample test and scored 1020 (370 for verbal and 650 for math), 180 away from the entrance mark (1200 minimum) and so I thought, I'll just have to work on my vocab and make sure I am more careful with math during the test.

So I started memorizing bizzare words, words I barely speak or hear.. And about 1 month later, I tried another sample test and guess what? I scored 860!! Lower than my previous score of 1020!! take a wild guess on how much I scored for verbal and math??

tek tek!!! you are wrong!! I scored 410 for verbal and a bloody 450 for math.. Wth is wrong with my math?? Don't ask me, I just seem to flush the marks down the toilet bowl, and 1 month of verbal toture improved me 40 marks, approximately 10 marks per week?

I have now 3 more weeks to go before my test and I am scoring worst than before! I redid a few math test and the hightest I could score was 600.. OMG!!! My target of 1200 seems more and more distant away as I try harder and harder.. OMG!!!!

I feel like I'm in hell right now.. I can't face the test.. I can't face the clock as I see seconds tick away.. And yet, I can't bear to look at all those unfamiliar words and those friendly looking numbers which somehow managed to steal away my precious marks any longer.. Oh God, oh God!! GRE is harder than I thought.. My English is wrost than I thought.. and worst of all, even my math is terrible.. Studying abroad? I'm begining to think I'm not good enough for it..

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