Went and watch Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen.. We lined up outside GSC 1u at 11.30am and bought the 12pm tickets.. Guess what, there were over 200 sits empty in the cinema!! unbelievable huh?

One thing to tell you guys though, Optimus Prime died.. he died!!!! *cries*
Want to know what happened next?? Go to the cinema..
My rating for it? 9/10 hehe.. going to watch it a second time this coming Monday.. muahahaha
After movies we went Waffle World for lunch..
And this, the supposing dessert was served before our meal.. Is blueberry ice-cream.. This one damn nice.. ^^
After eating can do what?? haha.. Went shopping.. and I bought a skirt!! weee!! wear on sunday or monday for you guys to see ar.. =P
P/S: me start to diet again.. hopefully I can be more commited this time.. But make an exception for sunday night.. because.. Enson is buying me dinner!!! Weeee!!!! wakakaka!!!! =P