Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A trip to Zoo Negara

How long has it been since your last trip to a zoo? What do you think about zoos? I remember when I was younger, zoo seem to be a place that was fun to visit.. But as I grew older, less and less people seem to wanna go visit the zoo.. Even I myself thought zoo as a place where its hot, smelly and boring.. But one day, I decided, after so many years of not visiting the zoo, why not go back there and relive my childhood memory? Also, zoo is actually a good place for photography.. With that, I took my good old camera.. And went photographing..

These are just some of the photos I took at the zoo..

 Look at the potential leather!!! Opss... =P

Ostrich doing a stare down with me..

 Giraffe having a drink..

Lazy lion sleeping in the hot sunny afternoon..

Now this is a sleeping flying fox.. And my mum made the best comment ever..
She asked me, "how come the flying fox has a cross??" o.O

 Pretty pretty frangipanies.. <3 <3

 Mr Camel, "Hello there you young lady. What's up?"

 Butterflies!!!! =)

Tiger so the cocky, dun even wanna look at the camera.. But then again, if it were staring at me, it probably means I look like lunch.. =S

Saw the National Geography Magazine some time back taking a picture of the eye of an elephant and it took my breath away.. So I tried to imitate.. Which, I obviously failed.. But that's the best I can do.. Give face a bit ok?

And 1 last picture before I end this post.. Fella just came out from a mud bath I think? Wonder how good it felt?? =P