Saturday, 31 December 2011

Year 2012

Its the end of the year again.. Ever since 2005, I have always done something for the new years countdown, be it going to a shopping mall and screaming like mad with a bunch of people as the clock ticks down from: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" or be it with my family travelling somewhere away from home or be it just watching the fireworks from some random location with my loved ones..

This year unfortunately, I am doomed to be stuck at home.. yea, you didn't read wrong.. I am doomed to be stuck at home.. Why? Well because, I am having food poison at this very moment that I am writing this post.. have been having it ever since 28/12/11 and unfortunately, I am going to countdown with it this year.. FML
Practically could not sleep or eat for the past few days.. Thank God I can swallow porridge today though.. Sigh..

Originally wanted to post pictures on each new year celebration I had but after searching, I realised I had NONE!!! WTF?? All my memories are just in my brain, no pictures!! FML!! who is going to believe that I have lived?? who?? *mental note to self: take more photos*

So since I am stuck at home, I'm going to come up with my new years resolution:

1) Graduate with a Masters in Medical Science
2) Find and get accepted in a school for phD
3) Lose those bloody weights I promised to lose (for more information, look at the left side of my blog)
4) Get a new laptop or tablet
5) Stop forgetting my Touch 'n' Go card
6) Drive more frequently

That's all I can come up with for now..

Oh and before I forget, Happy 2012 to all!!! May this year not be the end of the world but a good one with many more to come!!! =D

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Pitiful plant

Wondering why I am showing you a picture of a parked car? 

Take a closer look below:

That's coz the passenger of the car left one of his/her bag handle outside the car and ironically, this pitiful little plant somehow got hooked onto the handle and when the car moved, it got pulled out by its roots and followed the car all the way here..

Ok, that's all for my crap right now.. kthxbai!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Weight loss tracker widget for blogs

If anyone knows me, they'd probably have heard me claimed that I am too fat, or that I want to lose weight, or that I can never lose fat.. And I guess, the reason why, I cannot lose fat, isn't because I genetically have big bones, or that I am genetically easily fat and can never lose weight.. I guess its more likely because my will power is so damn low in the department of weight lost.. Also, I tend to give up halfway.. Actually, come to think of it, I think I give up after 2 weeks of trying..

Ok, enough of crap, the reason for my blog post this time, is to promote this weight loss tracker widget for blogs.. Its something I have recently discovered when I randomly browsed through a few websites.. Enough said..

If you can see, I have one right on my left sidebar, with a picture of a girl hopping on a weighing machine, and a measuring tape right behind her.. I got it from LilySlim 

There is a whole lot of different designs, that you can choose from for the weight loss widget.. And even better than that, there is a whole lot of other widgets such as fitness goals, diet days, etc.. There's even one for pregnancy and breastfeeding!!

Go check them out.. =)

And one more point I have to stress, since I have already pointed out that I want to lose weight, and since I've already place a weight tracker widget in my blog, I shall promise to achieve it without fail this time.. Wish me luck!!! =D

Friday, 9 December 2011

Malacca @ Jonker Walk - Durian Products

I just realised that I actually never posted this.. So here it is..

Have you ever hear yourself say that you hate durian products, and that the only durian you'll eat is the original one? Well, I have a friend that told me he'll never eat durian but simply loved durian products.. I for one cannot understand this because the durian product I've only eaten were these:

It wasn't, however, until I went to Jonker Walk and tried all the different types of durian products.. and OMG, its delicious!! 

So here are just a few photos:

First up was this white solid thing in the cup which I found out was duiran ice-cream.. At first glance it looked pale, and I was like no.. doubt it taste any better than the Durian Aiskrim potong that I've tried..

 And then, when this white solid thing went into my mouth, I was like.. OMG.. Texture wise, taste wise, awesome! Smooth and yummy!!! *slurps*

Next, is the durian puffs..

I'm serious.. anyone durian lovers around? This is a must try.. a MUST TRY!!! OK? go get yourself some.. now!! When you bite the puff, the durian just oozes out.. Don't know how to explain.. its heavenly..

And then, here's the more famous one..

 The durian cendol.. Can you see that yellowish sticky liquid at the top left corner? the one right next to the gula Melaka.. That, my dear is durian sauce #dunnowhatsitcalled and honestly, I like the orginal cendol with gula Melaka more.. A bit of a disappointment I would say.. but still, the picture looks good eh? =P

Ok, that's it from me.. now go get yourself some durian products.. =D

Friday, 2 December 2011

Nuffnang Premiere Screening of The Muppets

I did it!! Was so pleasantly surprised to receive the email, although I have been checking my email like a zillion times everyday until I got this email.

This is actually the second time I've won myself a pair of Nuffnang Premiere Screening Ticket. The first one was Ip Man 2.. And it was indeed a fun one.. =D

Guess who I'm bringing this time round?


I'm bringing me mum this time.. I simply just thought of her when I saw this movie and decided if I actually manage to win myself these tickets, I'll bring her along.. haha.. And I did!!! Yay!!

So mum, I'm bringing you!!

Will update about the movie after I watched it.. Stay tune!