We started out knowing no one, safe a few uni friends..
Ice breaking session came..
The ice was broken.. we got to know one another..
From the strangers we once were towards each other, we became friends..

Tasks were given to us..
One of it was to make a short film, in 1 day..

from 9.30am to 11.30am, we had classes.. editing, acting, filming,script writing.. everything in film u could possibly think of..
at 12.30pm, the script was written.. Our group gotten the title for musical film.. The task was given to me, Su Sin and Joyce to find the suitable songs after the script was written (12.30pm)..
At 1.30pm, we had to hand in our findings..
Filming started at 2pm..
Editing and mixing effect was started at 5.30pm..
Oscar night was at 8.30pm..
Our group manage to bring home 3 awards.. Best Supporting Actor, Best Costume and Best Perfomance!
They began to give suggestions on how we could improve the performance and what to do.. Coorporations were given more easily..
A task that I thought difficult at the begining, turned out to be something I really looked forward to daily.. And before you knew it, new friendship was born.. we even got ourselves 3 guys that we named do re mi!! haha.. I already miss the choir gang.. sob sob.. I sure hope we can keep in touch.. Unfortunately the "smart" me forgot to get their email ads!! >.<>
So many unforgetable memories made..
Met some awesome people there.. People that are really sweet and kind, friendly, competitive, outspoken, humourous, joyous, cute and smart.. there are just so many of them!!

p/s: there are actually many more photos which I did not post up cause its far too time consuming.. So these are the random few.. haha