We had an ice breaking session, where we drew a clock on a paper, and for every number we had to find someone and get to know that someone.. Later, we wrote our name and placed it in a balloon.. A person will then pop a balloon, read out the person's name inside the balloon and the person called would make an introduction before repeating the same process again..

Next, we had a game called "The Guardian Angel" where each of us picked up a name from the plastic bag at random and whoever name you got would become your Guardian Child throughout the camp retreat while you become his/her Guardian Angel..

The picture on the right is a small letter holder where ppl can write letter to you, usually your guardian angel la..
The second as you can see is me "8 gualy" looking to see if my guardian angel sent me anything not knowing that my guardian angel was in fact standing next to me!! -.-
The lower 2 pictures is my guardian angel praying over me and me praying over my guardian child.. (he more likely can be my guardian angel rite??)

We also had lots of games.. one of it was a station game where in each station we would have to complete a task.. This was us trying to blow the candles out from afar.. and there is one where we were lighthing the candles.. =P
The next station we had water balloon catching session..

A photo of our group catching the balloon

And a photo of a bunch of rather amusing guys who used their shirts as baskets by tying the bottom and catching the balloon.. haha.. (we outbeat them by the way.. =P)
The rest of the stations weren't as fun, so I'm only showing the fun part..
Ooo, and of course the part where my group won the first price.. =P (*must show off a bit bit*)

Later that night we had a session whereby everyone would have to speak to a person, holding their hands with a candle on the other and look into each other's eyes and tell good things about them..

By the big smile on my face you can see how well those people praised me huh?? LOL!! Actually I was just paiseh, thats why I smiled so much.. =P
We also had talks by this guy Micheal Yap

Cute guy le.. LOL!! He is all full of emotions when he speaks..

By the look of my face you can see how well he spoked rite?? haha
On the last day we had a group photo taking session..

This is everyone..

these are the ones from UTAR.. The rest were all from KTAR.. XD
We only got to go touring around the place on the third day..

Had strawberry ice-cream there.. simply marvelous.. and there was this strawberry popsicle too!! simply marvelous..haha
These are some sneak pictures of me.. lol..

There are so many more pictures I would love to show.. But there really are too many!! And I'm too lazy to upload so much.. =P
hope you enjoy these few though.. hehe